Proyectos desarrollados con las ventanas de lamas FIEGER
Deje que le invada la inspiración: aquí le mostramos referencias de proyectos desarrollados con las ventanas de lamas FIEGER. Muchas de las soluciones de ventanas que hemos presentado se instalaron con nuestros productos estándar.
También le mostramos algunos diseños y construcciones especiales destacables. En estrecha colaboración con arquitectos y proyectistas, hemos desarrollado soluciones que, a veces, son poco comunes, pero que mantienen su atractivo y su alta funcionalidad. Le sorprenderá ver lo flexibles que son las ventanas de lamas.
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The awarding of the title “Environmental School” by the German Society for Environmental Education confirmed that the Geschwister-Scholl-Schule in Bensheim teaches environmental awareness in an exemplary way, and strives to protect the environment by saving energy. During the building extensions and renovations, FIEGER louvre windows were installed into the façades. The bespoke design of FIEGER louvre vents enabled us to meet the individual requirements of the building and the occupants.

Residential Development
The large residential development of Park View in Govan, Glasgow resulted from a partnership between Govan Housing Association and Cruden Estates Ltd. DO Architecture Ltd of Glasgow were engaged to produce an innovative, whilst also incorporating features of traditional local architecture.
The architectural requirement was to create a continuous louvre appearance up the height of the stairwell, to compliment the building aesthetics and enhance the overall design.

As an integral part of the mechanical services to the Boroughmuir High School in Edinburgh, the design team led by Allan Murray Architects specified a natural ventilation system, using double-glazed louvres to complement the natural lighting effect, as well as a sustainable approach to maintaining a comfortable environment. O’Hare & McGovern Ltd, the main contractor, selected FIEGER FLW 28 units to meet the requirements. Due to concerns about traffic noise, a 40 dB acoustic foil was included in the external laminated pane.