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The best choice for planners and architects: FIEGER louvre windows

Used in state-of-the-art projects, such as the Médiathèque et Archives Municipales in Pontivy (designed by Opus 5 Architects) or the Geschwister-Scholl School in Bensheim, FIEGER louvre windows are at the cutting edge of technology, leading the industry in terms of design, natural light penetration, smoke extraction, natural ventilation and building safety.

With FIEGER louvre windows –

you have access to the most advanced louvre window systems available on the market.



Create healthy, comfortable climates with our intelligent natural ventilation solutions. Discover what you can create with our AirTec ventilation concepts.

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Effective smoke extraction. With our internationally certified Smotec system, you can create schemes to control the extraction of smoke and heat. Our reliable and German engineered products are fully (NSHEV) DIN EN 12101-2 certified.

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Our products: FIEGER louvre windows

Louvre windows offer many advantages. Primarily, they allow for energy-saving natural ventilation and efficient smoke extraction, whilst additionally offering easy ventilation control and a space saving design.
Our maintenance-free rack and pinion drive guarantees optimal functionality and a long lifecycle for our products.

FIEGER ventilation technology offers an environmentally friendly, healthy, cost-effective and contemporary alternative to air conditioning and other mechanical ventilation systems, as well as an internationally certified smoke extraction in case of fire.

Klassenraum in der Geschwister Scholl Schule Bensheim eine Umweltschule Europas mit Fieger Lamellenfester für die Klimatisierung

The market’s top performer
Triple glazed or insulated aluminium panel
36–40 mm

Energieeffizienz durch kontrollierte Lüftung und natürliche Klimatisierung - Aussenansicht des Karl-Friedrich-Gymnasium Mannheim, Deutschland

The robust, fully customisable
Triple glazed, Double glazed or insulated aluminium panel
28–32 mm

Lösung durch Fieger Lamellenfenster zur öffenbare Lamellen an unerreichbaren Stellen an der Médiathèque et Archives Municipales Pontivy, France

The flexible, practical solution
Double glazed or insulated aluminium panel
24–28 mm

Fieger FLL Aluminiumlamellen Sigmund-Freud- Institut Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

The solid smoke extraction and natural ventilation system.
Insulated aluminium louvres

Fieger FLM Lamellenfenster ohne Profil University Brisbane

The sleek, single glazing specialist
Single glazing system up to 12 mm or
VSG 2 x 6 mm

 Fieger FDS Lamellen Design und Sonderbau in allen denkbaren Formen wie hier in der BMW-Welt München

The endlessly creative one
Custom design and bespoke solutions for every conceivable form

Fieger FLM Lamellenfenster ohne Profil


Which drive goes with your window?

Fieger FLL Lamellen kreative Umsetzung für blickdichte Lüftungs- und Entrauchungsregler im Knauf Museum Ipfhofen, Deutschland


Even more safety through extensions

Fieger FLL Lamellen kreative Umsetzung für blickdichte Lüftungs- und Entrauchungsregler im Knauf Museum Ipfhofen, Deutschland


Services that make your work that much easier

Our Calculator Tool: find the right solution for your project

Which FIEGER product satisfies your project’s technical requirements? Evaluate our products with our quick and easy calculator tool.

Or get advice directly from our specialist team:
+44 1793 676450


Projects Interested to see how FIEGER products will look in your façade? Take a look at some of our favourite projects.
Get inspired by our designs.
